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Friday, January 16, 2009

NAMM 09: Charvel Booth

At the Charvel booth, we noticed these Grover Jackson Legacy San Dimas guitars, and thought, "there they are again." But, wait, these are beat up! These "tourtured" (yes, "tour"-tured) Grover Jacksons are also fitted with Floyd Rose trems, and we thought they looked pretty cool:

We love Dan Lawrence's paintjobs. Here's a killer Custom San Dimas, "Logo #3":

This Custom Green San Dimas is sporting black hardware and the "60%" small logo:

Here is a nice birdseye maple-bodied Charvel in Transparent Red. Back in the early '80s, Charvel would make guitars with birdseye bodies just like this:

Did we mention that we love Dan Lawrence's paintjobs? Here is "Motor Series #1", a killer Custom San Dimas that is coming to The Zoo:

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