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Friday, January 16, 2009

NAMM 09: EVH Booth

The EVH display was all about two things: the all-new Wolfgang guitar, and huge stacks of EVH amplifiers. There were a bunch of Wolfgangs on display, in the 3 finishes of black, white, and sunburst:

Of course, things got a lot more interesting once Eddie Van Halen himself showed up (with his wife Janie Liszewski):

Ed was gracious enough to take pictures with each and every person in the room (with cigarette breaks, naturally) and was clearly pretty excited about his new partnership with FMIC. He talked a lot about his new toy, the Drop to Hell Tailpiece. This fine-tunable stop tailpiece can drop the low string over an octave and back again, with accuracy that he claims has never before been seen. We're looking forward to seeing that piece of hardware over the next couple of months.

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